Friday, April 1, 2011

An April Fool

Dear God,

Forgive me for being a slacker this week.  I believe that writing is the focus that you approve of, yet I have not "had the time" to write.  I know this is my own shortcoming that I have given priority to things that really don't matter.  Please help me to stay committed to doing those things that are really important.

Help me to focus on the beautiful children that you have trusted me to raise in your love.  Give me patience for them and help me to be better at giving them my undivided attention.

Lord, please help Dan and I to fully reconnect.  I really miss him.  I am seeing some of the same issues with Dan that I was having with Aaron and I can't help but wonder if I am the common denominator.  Please help me to focus on Dan's strengths and support him rather than tearing him down for his weaknesses.  Help me begin to see Dan as our head of household and to treat him as such so that he can feel my support of him.

Please give me strength as I begin my journey back to good health.  Help me to find those supports that I need in order to know what I need to focus on.  Thank you for holding my hand to help me avoid sugary temptation this week, but don't let go of me now as we both know that was just the first small challenge on this treacherous path.  I know that you will move this mountain for me if I just keep on walking.  Please bless Dr. Risley as he helps my back to heal and bless Katelyn for the beauty she adds to my physical and emotional healing.  Help me to know when it is good to work through the pain and when it will cause further injury.  Help me not to use pain as an excuse when I know that many times all I need is to move.

I feel better about Jesi, but I ask that you grant her a measure of your peace and open her heart to feel your love.  Please give Khelon a safe and happy birthday.  Guide Shay-Shay to a path of healing from both her physical and spiritual hurts.  Open Angie's heart to know that all power comes from you and give her faith that you will make sure she still has a family to support her.  Bless Moogie and Misti as they wait for their new home to be prepared for them.  Grant Nana and TC all of the strength and patience that young mamas need.  Bless my babies.  Help Payton to feel your peace and your strength so that he can learn patience and calm.  Help Livi to learn that anger is not good when left unchecked and pouting isn't a resolution.  Give Ash the confidence to know her own beauty and not be as susceptible to the slings and arrows of grade school.  Please continue to help me grow and to be the mother that nurtures my kids the way that you have entrusted me.

Love, Eeka

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