Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Morning Review 16

Dear God,

What a blessed week this has been.  We got to enjoy the fourth together as a family and with the added surprise of Grandpa Al.  I've been learning and growing through my groups as well as building new and long-term relationships.  Thank You, God, for all that Eastlake has done for me and for all I can do to help You use us in Lawrence.

We've had rides and sitters and mommy/daughter playdates.  I've seen friends' prayers be answered in unexpected ways as new struggles arise and people I know well, that I barely know, and friends I haven't seen in years are all turning to me for guidance.  I know that You must be bringing them to me and I trust in Your guidance as I share Your love. I never expected to find myself in such a role again after all these years of wandering, but I am blessed to know how I found my way back to You and I hope that I can be a comfort and a safe place to rest both for those who already know You and those who don't yet know how much they need You.  Thank You for the questions that you are raising in my Dan and the trust he has in me that he will come to me with his questions.  I long to see the moment when he feels Your spirit move in him.

Thank You for bringing Dan and I together on our budget.  Please help me to remember that there is no security in our budget and that it is through Your grace and love that we are protected.  Help us to heed Your wisdom as we plan a budget that can glorify You with the money that You have so graciously entrusted to us.  Please be our strength as we struggle to figure out what has to go and carry us when our weak wills would give up and spend even further beyond our means.  Guide me in creative ways that we can have fun as a family, while still teaching our kids to budget their time, talents, money and health.

Thank You for all of the groups I am in and all of the great friends you have touched me with.  Help me to be a blessing to them as they are blessing me.  Help me and all the group leaders, to know when to talk and when to shut up.  Help us to grow as we support others in Your love.

And finally, Lord, today I would ask you for healing and protection.  There are so many hurts in our EastLake family while others are experiencing unbounded joy.  Let those who are lifted now feel Your grace fully.  Let there be no taint on their blessing when they see others struggling.  Help us all to feel Your hand in our lives through both the happiness and the grief.  Help us to have faith that no matter how great our plan is, Yours is infinitely better.  Help EastLake to continue to be Your lighthouse even through our family struggles that none lose sight of You in their personal storms.

Let the love and attitude of service that permeates EastLake draw even more lives to Your love as we prepare for our worship night in a time when so many are lost and don't yet know that You are what they have been searching for.  Fan the flames of Your spirit in our hearts so that Your glory will shine through all we do and all we are.


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