Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Morning Review 17

Dear Daddy in Heaven,

Thank You for the joyous week You have given me.  Thank You for bringing new friends to me through EastLake and for strengthening current relationships. let the excitement for worship night spill over so much that people are either putting on galoshes to keep from getting their feet wet or they just gotta go find out what all the excitement is about.

Help me to be an example of Your love in ALL ways.  Not just the easy ways.  Help me to work past what could truly be  food addiction to the truth that only You can bring me comfort.  Help me to find the balance between my pain and my budget.  Lord, I trust in Your power and Your grace that You have a plan to heal this pain and wash all these toxins away.  Please guide me in a way so obvious that even I can't miss the path I need to take.  And Lord, let the world see You through our budget.  I know that there is no security in our budget.  I know that there never will be, no matter how much we cut corners, which jobs Dan or I take or how much extra cash we can bring in.  Show us the ways to reduce our current commitments without adding to our debt snowball, which is already growing so big as it rolls downhill that it's hard to see a way it won't crush us.  Please protect us from our own stupidity.  Protect us from ourselves and our wants and our gimme's  and our desire for instant gratification.

Lord, thank You for Your word today and it's message to me.  Thank You for hearing my prayers even though some days I feel as though I'm closer to the wicked end of the scale than to the righteous.  I know that PCOS means that my body is hoarding fat because it thinks I'm going to starve.  Your grace amazes me this morning as You spoke so directly to me.  Wondrous healer, thank You seems so insufficient, yet I have no better words and You know the weight that You have lifted off of me today through that one thought.  Thank You, my kind and loving Daddy in heaven, for showing me that PCOS is not just in my physical body, but in my head and my heart as well.  As we  move into the second half of the month and the bulk of our food budget is gone again, I want another helping while it's still there to take.  I am resentful of that one bite that Livi wants to try of my food when she already has her own portion.  I may still share, but it is only begrudgingly.  Forgive me that I am reduced to a dog growling over a bone-- and at my own child--when there are a hundred other bones within easy reach.

Lord, You have shared Your generosity with us again this week through Your children. I see how you clothed the lilies and how you have clothed us.  I know that the ravens brought food to Elijah, You sent manna to feed Your people in the desert and You fed hundreds of people with one boy's lunch.  You have proven over and again that You take care of Your people and that You count me among them.  How silly am I to doubt Your love for me and Your protection?

Please help me to see all the aspects of my life where I have PCOS.  In what areas do I not trust Your grace?  Thank You for the reminder that Your grace is truly sufficient and that You will fulfill ALL of my needs in Your love and mercy.

Hugs and kisses, Dad,

Love, Ericka

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