Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Sunday Morning Review 2

Dear God,

Thank you for not letting me burn my apartment down when I left the burner on this morning.  Forgive me for not taking the time to pray for Mitch and turn my concerns for him over to you.  I know that there is no acceptable excuse for not taking time to talk to you and share my concerns openly. We both know I could have used the peaceful rest this would have allowed.

Thank you for this glorious week you have given me.  Thank you for guiding me to Eastlake where I could be safe enough, not just in your arms, but in the love of a strong church family, to let down those final walls that were keeping me from opening my heart.  Thank you for filling me up and overflowing me with your grace and joy.  My week has been so amazing in ways that only you could have imagined for me.  Forgive me for basking in the glory of your light like a lazy lizard on a rock.  You have clearly shown me the work you want me to do, yet I have been that lazy lizard.  I have been so blessed and so busy soaking up those blessings that I have forgotten that you have a job for me.

Thank you for smoothing my path this week so that it was easier to turn away from things that are les beneficial and focus on those things that are better.  Thank you for the yummy salads, the friends to go walking with, the chiropractor, his awesome assistant and all of the other people who are helping me to become healthy.  Help me stay on this path and lend me your strength that I may never again be the glutton who wears drowsiness like rags.

As I focus more on you and less on the many blessings that you have given me, help me to find guidance in your word.  Please give me the patience not to be bored with the bible but to keep looking until I find the meaning you intend for me.

Thank you for Eastlake.  As Easter approaches, let us celebrate your life in ways beyond our imaginings.  Show us your ways in which to touch more lives with your spirit.  Open the hearts that are connected to Eastlake in even the most indirect ways that your love for us shines through us and draws others as your nectar draws your bees this spring.

Bless us all with the eloquence to speak in the language that is necessary to reach those who need you most desperately.  Lord, you have wrought some mighty changes.  I am humbled and blessed to be a part of your chorus.

Love, Ericka

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