Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Morning Review 14

Dear God,

Thank you for the beautiful week you have given me.  Thank you for the coolness of the weather and the wonder of the storms.  Thank you for all of these moments with Livi that I am blessed to see rather than hearing about from a babysitter. Thank you for the renewed vitality in my marriage and the purpose that has driven me this week.  Thank you for coffee and karaoke and cheese and making toys.  Looking back at this week, I am stunned.  To know that you have blessed me so much just because you love me and not because of anything I could ever do to deserve this . . . my heart is so overwhelmed.  Thank you for all of the straightening that you have done to my pat this week.  As I work to hear your voice and be who you have called me to be, the frustrations don't go away, but they are so much easier to bear with the proper perspective.

Thank you for all of the lessons you have taught me and the rewards that you have built into obedience.  The closeness with Dan when I treat him with more compassion and respect ALL of his decisions as the head of our household.  The beauty of watching new people meet Olivia and share in her joy.  The free coffee and a new friend when I stick to our budget.  My list goes on and on.  The mercy and joy that you have showered me with this week almost wash away the memory of the abyss I had wandered into when I turned away from you.  Lord, I will never again take happiness for granted. Thank you for helping me to realize that security will never be in my budget, but in your unconditional love for me, in spite of my brokenness.  I, alone, am still broken but your mercy makes me feel like a whole new person.

Thank you for using EastLake to sneak back into my heart when I wasn't keeping my guard up.  Lord, help me continue to make EastLake a safe place for others to find the one true antidepressant.  Bless the prayer team, the coffee team and the myriad of others who serve you in ways I don't even know about.  Whether you use me only as a volunteer, or you put me on staff, light me up, Lord.  I feel like I'm shining with your spirit.  Every time someone says I have helped or inspired them, I know they have seen your grace through me and I am humbled to be a part of your magnificent design.

Help me to honor a friend who has passed by sharing his love for a great cup of coffee today.  Bless all that Chris has touched through his joy or his coffee.  Wrap Matt up in your arms today as he mourns a friend.

I ask that every man, woman or child at EastLake feel a sense of the peace you have shared with me today.  May we all leave with a lighter heart and a brighter smile.  Help us to keep EastLake as a calm in our storms that helps us to stay focused on you.

Your love is amazing, your grace never ending.

Thank you, Ericka

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