Thursday, April 14, 2011

God's blinding light

Dear God,

Thank You for all of the awesomeness that You have added to my day!  I know that there is nothing I can do to deserve this, but I am more than happy to accept!

What I was SO happy NOT to accept was that pity party invitation.  Thank You for the blessing of peace that you have given me.  Thank You for carrying me through all that darkness so that I could truly appreciate the light of Your love.  I ask that You guide my path that I never have to struggle through such complete darkness again, but I will always try my best to do whatever You require of me.

As I prepare to lead a growth group this summer, and every day, please help me to share Your love with others.  Let me be Your hands and feet to lead others through those dark and scary places.  Help me use the gift of writing that You have bestowed upon me to spread Your peace and understanding farther than the spoken word alone could go.  Help me have the courage to expose my weaknesses in order to showcase the power of Your grace.

Help my feet not to falter when our finances get scary.  I remind myself that as I give my gifts for you and turn my finances over to you, you will fill all the needs of my family.  Bless my home as I strive to always place my trust in You.

Love, Ericka

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